Hi there! My name is Emlyn, a try-hard renaissance man straddling the millenial/gen-z divide. I do policy, data and physics, amongst other things.

Why a website?

I used to think having your own website was the coolest thing ever, and so I thought I’d honour my 10-year-old self by making one. I have a lot of ideas in my head, from little research projects to coding and self-teaching new skills. I rarely action these ideas though, mostly because:

  • Watching films, TV and YouTube videos is much easier
  • I’m often exhausted
  • Other life things get in the way

However, these are really just excuses. Even a few minutes a day of working towards something can get you somewhere in the long-term. Leaving the ideas also makes me sad because:

  • I know I’m missing out on fun
  • The list keeps getting longer
  • I could have moved on to something even more fun by now if I’d followed through

I hope to use this site as an aide to keep my current and future selves accountable and share what I’ve learned. This may also connect me with like-minded individuals and help with my writing - and all the better for it!

A bit about me

My current professional interests lie at the nexus of science and public policy, where highly technical topics meet the needs of the general public. I’ve learned a lot in my recent roles, and have enjoyed them immensely. In the medium term, I would like to bring this experience back to the world of physics and a PhD in something that excites me (currently thinking about something in quantum information theory).

In my spare time I enjoy cooking (currently a mix of Adam Liaw and Alison Roman recipes, adapted for whatever is in the fridge). I also satisfy my inner musician through cello and choral singing.

If you want to get in touch, follow me on Twitter @emlynsg or connect on LinkedIn. You can also find my resume here.

Privacy policy

At present, I collect some information about the device you are using and your IP location to assist in my management of this website. This includes understanding my web hosting needs, and whether certain countries are overrepresented in my spread of visitors.

This information is managed and analysed by Cloudflare, and you can find their privacy policy here.

Outside of this IP-informed information on your general location, I do not collect personal information which could reasonably identify you, nor do I collect data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, data concerning health or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation.

This Policy may change from time to time and is available on this website. If you have any queries or complaints about my Privacy Policy please contact me through email.